“Keynote speaker, agronomist Ken Bailey, will explore biological agronomy...”
“Tickets are now available for our Talkin’ Soil Health Conference on 11 August in York.”
“Important Announcement: Talkin’ Soil Health is back in 2022”
“We are planning our next trip to Tanzania late in September.”
“This year’s must-see event for soil, business and farmer health.”
“This is a two-day event taking a deep dive into diversity with Dr Christine Jones.”
“Promoting practical solutions for regenerative agriculture”
“The message was clear: beware the influence of corporations with massive profit incentives.”
“Answers to your most pressing questions about the organic label.”
“WIG Field Day 2020 Guest Speaker Dr. Maarten Stapper (BioLogic AgFood) via teleconference.”
“Due to health concerns surrounding COVID-19, this year’s field day will be held virtually.”
“An appreciative group of 60 people enjoyed the WIG Field Day at Hollands Track Farm, Newdegate.”
“Inspired by Charles Massy's best-selling book "Call of the Reed Warbler"...”
“Regenerative agriculture will be a slow evolution that will eventually become an avalanche.”
“The world’s first verified regenerative sourcing solution for meat, dairy, wool & leather.”
“An eye opening and practical course for improving our soil and grass health and profitability”
“Are you passionate about the livestock industry in the Wheatbelt?”
“Colin Seis - The benefits of Pasture Cropping are way beyond the short-term crop yields.”
“Join us for another inspiring and informative national event!”
“While some farmers are struggling with the drought, others are seeing their profits increase.”
“British researchers have put automation to test in the farm field”
“Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains are packaged sunlight derived from photosynthesis.”
“Business as usual is not an option — we need to change the way we grow, process and consume food.”
“We're quite concerned with the trend of corporate buying of land as an asset.”
News Items
‘Clear Scientific Evidence’ of Harms from GMO Corn, Glyphosate, Mexico Tells U.S.
Event - Save the Date: WIG Inc Farming Field Day, 25th October 2023
Event - Joel Williams is coming to WA
How do we grow Mycorrhizal Colonization?
Event - Tech Tooling Soil and Plant Health Training with Graeme Sait
Event - Save the Date: Wheatbelt Integrity Group Field Day, 5th October 2022
Event - Sth WA Biological Farming Roundtable
Event - Sth WA Biological Farming Roundtable
Event - ‘Going Places’ Study Tour
Event - Biological Agronomy Field Day
Event - Talkin’ Soil Health Conference Tickets – Get Your Tickets!
Event - Building resilience from the subsoil up
Latest News from Tiamoyo May 2022
Event - COBWA wants your input 2022
Call to Support Bushfire Affected Farmers Working to Protect the Natural Environment
Event - REstore. REshape. REnew!
Event - Inter-row cropping in avocados for increased production
Telling The Real Story about Fake Meats
Event - WIG Regenerative Farming Field Day 2021
‘Silver bullet’ for business: The Aussie farmers bringing dingoes back
Why we cannot certify regenerative agriculture
Southern Cross named as partner in three national drought hubs
Event - Creating Resilience Through Diversity
Event - Grower Group Alliance Forum 21
Exposing the Medical - Pharmaceutical - Agricultural - Complex
Petition - Speak up for Regional Western Australians
Rupert Murdoch's NSW wool property Cavan Station signs $500,000 carbon deal with Microsoft
How to make more dirt down on the farm and get paid for it
Permaculture lessons from Australia reap rewards for remote Brazilian villages
Snapshot confirms agriculture's ability to adapt and grow
Winona – Pasture cropping for the way to health
NutriSoil: A New Agriculture – Di Haggerty Presentation
Three Must-See Films Featuring Holistic Management:
Sacred Cow: The Nutritional, Environmental and Ethical Case for Better Meat
RegenWA Farmer Field Days - McAlpine Farms in Buntine
Dakota Lakes Research Farm Virtual Field Day
Neighbours: Grazing Livestock on Cover Crops Improves Soil Health & Quality of Life
Why is no one talking about agriculture as a solution to climate change?
Regenerative farming ‘working wonders for Oz farmers’
Improving soil health: Notes from the Talkin’ Soil Health Conference
Searching for the Soil Health Sweet Spot
Talkin' Soil Health Conference
Exciting News - The First Nutrition Farming Podcast to be Released This Week
Nick Kelly: Implementing Regenerative Farming on Hollands Track Farm
Food for Thought Festival - Ticketing
Food for Thought Festival - Full program of events
Hollands Farm takes regenerative agriculture mainstream
‘Lana’ – Partnering farm animals to regenerate the land
Truckies respond to East Gippsland bushfire crisis with huge 'army of angels' convoy
Weirs continue to flow through drought and fires
No-Till Farmers’ Push for Healthy Soils Ignites a Movement in the Plains
Healthy soil is the real key to feeding the world
Visionary view of farming future
Video - From the Ground Up – Regenerative Agriculture
Uncovering how microbes in the soil influence our health and our food
WIG Field Day, Q & A panel on Regenerative Agriculture
Wheatbelt Farmers Innovators in Regenerative Agriculture
Soil carbon - can it save agriculture’s bacon?
WA businesses take regenerative agriculture from niche to mainstream
An innovative source of farm labour helps build productive soils
Video - Regenerative Agriculture Presentations: Dr Charles Massy and Nick Kelly
Video - Nick Kelly - Changing Culture by The Acre in the WA Wheat Belt
‘Winona’ – Pasture cropping the way to health
Grass-fed Beef Contains 300 Percent More Heart-Healthy Omega 3s than Factory-Farmed
Looking After Your Productive Potential in Times of Adversity
Video - Poisoned Fields - Glyphosate, the underrated risk?
Controlling kangaroos is essential to increase carbon flows
Study: White Oak Pastures Beef Reduces Atmospheric Carbon
Making money while restoring the land
Organic matter drops in continuous cropping
Video - Joel Salatin on Holistic Management
'It's a groundswell': the farmers fighting to save the Earth's soil
Summer Ground Cover – Filling the Gap
Video - The Cocktail Effect of Multiple Residues
No-Dig, the Charles Dowding Way
Video - Making Management Decisions At The Ecosystem Level: Stopping The Bleeding
Regenerative agriculture finds solid backing as decades of success show renewal
Katanning, March 12, Pasture Cropping with Colin Seis
Expressions of Interest - Technical Advisory Group
Systems Approach Makes Canadian No-Till Farm More Resilient
Video - Fire recovery: soil impacts and actions
14th February - Happy National Regenerative Agriculture Day!
Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management Inc
Tell politicians to fix the banks for good
Royal Commission into misconduct in the banking, superannuation and financial services industry
Video - eShepherd Virtual Cattle Fencing System
Video - Pasture Cropping and Grazing Management Workshop
Video - Pasture cropping - experiences of innovative growers
Gabe Brown on Ecosystem Stewardship
Pasture Cropping - Profitable Regenerative Agricuture
Multi-Species Pasture Cropping
WIG Soil Restoration Field Day
Australian Biological Farming Conference and Expo 2018
Quorum Sensing the Microbial Biome
Options for reducing glyphosate
After 20 years in the biz, this Perth cooking teacher worries about us
Regenerative Agriculture - The guts governing our food, health and future
Australian farmers driving up profits through regenerative agriculture
Our Turn At This Earth: A Soil Scientist Speaks His Soul
No-Till Farmers’ Push for Healthy Soils Ignites a Movement in the Plains
Multi-Tasking Cover Crops Improve the No-Till Bottom Line
Top 10 Reasons to Raise & Eat Grass-Fed Meat
NAB promises to stop fleecing farmers
Video - Christine Jones will be at Moora on Aug. 7th. Nick Kelly will also a contributor.
Audio - Building a Holistic Regenerative Farming System with Nick and Lucy Kelly
Video - Christine Jones - Soil Carbon: From microbes to mitigation
Wheatbelt Integrity Group: Comments on the Royal Commission into Banking
ANZ apology five years late for Tasmanian couple at banking royal commission
Banking royal commission: How a farming family lost everything after 45 years on the land
Australian Biological Farming Conference & Expo
A Booming Economy With a Tragic Price
Soil Health and Carbon Farming Seminar
Grazing for Soil Health and Getting Cover Crops Into the Mix
The Life-Giving Link Between Carbon and Healthy Topsoil
Soils for Life Newsletter, January 2018
Walkaway Field Day with Dr Maarten Stapper
Landsave Organics Proudly Presents - Soil Biology with Nicole Masters
An innovative source of farm labour helps build productive soils
Select Committee on Lending to Primary Production Customers. Submission 22.
Select Committee on Lending to Primary Production Customers. Submission 38.
Is Glyphosate Harming Your No-Tilled Soils?
Video - Gabe Brown - SARE National Conference on Cover Crops & Soil Health
Planning Our Food Future Forum
Soil Restoration: 5 Core Principles
WIG Nominated for Agricultural Innovation Award
Video - Cattle Grazing on Permanent No-Till Soils
Nitrogen: the double-edged sword
Productive Soils, Productive Farms
Accepted submission to the Select Senate Inquiry into primary production and banking
Regional Telecommunications Summit, July 27
Building Soils Workshop, June 19, 2017
Video - Sickness from the Soil
Banking inquiry to accommodate 'traumatised' farmers
How to create fertility without buying fertiliser
Video - Your Soils Will Never Be Sustainable With Synthetics
Stop Punishing Our Soils with Fertilisers
Crop probiotics: how more science and less hype can help Australian farmers
Video - Regenerative Ag - Farmers helping farmers build healthy farms
Video - Successful Regenerative Agriculture Is Understanding Soil Function
Audio - Producers in drier areas tell me cover crops use up H₂O. Not true.
Young people going urban due to high agriculture buy-in costs
Saving The Soil 'Skin,' Thriving With No-Till
Essentials To Restore That Liquid Carbon Pathway
Put carbon where it belongs... back in the soil
Carbon key to building resilience on farms
Scientists Loved and Loathed by an Agrochemical Giant
Adding cattle yields surprising no till results
Small Business Ombudsman recommends banks give farms more notice before cancelling loans
Nutrition and Disease — Interview with Professor Don Huber
Gabe Brown's five keys to soil health
Pasture Cropping: A Regenerative Solution from Down Under
Video - Gabe & Paul Brown: Regenerative Ranching
Tighty Whities Demonstrate Soil Microbiology
Why soil aggregation is critical to growing healthy crops
Soil our best shot at cooling the planet
Video - WIG and Biological Farming From ABC News 24
Switch to biological farming expected to bring significant savings and keep growers on the land
WIG wins Landcorp Sustainability Award
Regional Achievement and Community Awards - 28th October
RAIN Field Day - 13th September
WIG Biological Field Day - 5th October
Healing Battered Fields, Pastures with Adaptive Grazing
Farmers quitting in droves — and not happy about going
Farm advocate group seeks new members
Talkin' Soil Health 2015 & Previous Conferences
Soil Health Compost & Crop Nutrition Day - 17th August
1st paddock without synthetic fertilizer & herbicides
Farmer on Your Plate This Saturday
Implementing Cover Crops - Gabe Brown story
Sweet summer success for Newdegate farmer
WANTFA Nutrition Compaction Rotations Event